ECA (Sell Your Stuffs)

SFI DID NOT PROMISE Overnight success!

Today we're going to talk about having big goals...but REALISTIC goals. SFI holds tremendous potential for those who will apply themselves, but it's not going to happen overnight or without work. As the old saying goes, "the only place that success comes before work is inthe dictionary."

We often hear from affiliates asking why they're not seeing a big commission check yet. But more times than not, the person asking hasn’t even been an affiliate for more than a few weeks and is only really beginning to even understand how the whole SFI system works. And frankly, even if the number was six months, it’s still much too early to be expecting a significant income stream to have developed.
We always say that if you’re not willing to give a business at least a year, don’t even bother getting involved. You must understand: It takes time to get to know all the nuances of a business. It takes time to get to know the products. It takes time to develop a game plan. It takes time to figure out what marketing activities will work best for you. See our six-step plan for reaching the top in SFI.
The fact is, anything worthwhile takes sustained effort. If that were not true, we'd all be the perfect weight, we'd all have perfect relationships, etc. It's the same thing with your own business. If you're thinking money's going to start pouring into your lap next month, you’ve set yourself up for failure.

TripleClicks and SFI: The place to make money online

Introduction to SFI & TripleClicks  

SFI is a company that has been helping millions of people from all over the world to start up their own home business since 1998. They provide the training, marketing tools, customer service and the products leaving affiliates with the single task of referring new affiliates and customers to them. No need to be concerned about doing everything from scratch such as finding a product to sell, what price to set, how to deliver all over the world, which payment options to offer and so on. SFI has given you a home business in a box and all you need to do is promote it.

If you want more information about SFI then click here for a general overview. Notice that they provide their address, phone number and a support center for people who want to contact them with any further questions. You will soon find out that SFI gives you full support in the form of phone and email contact as well as a support forum, a personal sponsor and step by step training. You also have this tutorial which has been written to take you step by step through the basics.
SFI comes in the form of two websites. The affiliate center which is your virtual office and Tripleclicks which is home to the entire product line. The affiliate center provides you with everything you need to run your new SFI business such as affiliate websites and access to various reports. Tripleclicks is a virtual shopping store like Amazon which offers thousands of products that you can earn a commission from. The great thing about separating the two websites is that you can offer people the choice of a business opportunity or an online store with many products and bargains.

The screenshot below shows you the SFI affiliate center. Every SFI affiliate receives access to their own personal affiliate center with all their information including the marketing tools embedded with their own personal SFI ID in the form of a number. Access to each section can be reached via the drop down menus at the top as well as quick and easy access to main reports and information separated by tabs.

I will Show you How to Make Money Here

Hi, my name is Daniel, and I've been an SFI affiliate for over 2 years.
I'm with SFI because they're the real deal. For nearly two decades now they've been providing anyone who's willing to work a real way to earn extra income as an Internet marketer...from the comfort of their home.
One of the things I really love about SFI is that there's never any purchase or sales requirements. Most companies have to have such requirements...or there would be no sales. But with SFI, there's so much good stuff going on that sales, success, and commissions just flow naturally! And because SFI provides such outstanding training and tools, it doesn't matter if you have any experience in marketing or not. You simply need to plug in to their proven system and go to work.
SFI's e-commerce store,, is a big part of it. TripleClicks is one of the fastest growing and most popular e-commerce sites on the Web today. And starting from your very first day as an SFI affiliate, you can share in the profits of EVERY sale at TripleClicks. For real! Over 90,000 products from all over the world, 24-hour penny auctions, exclusive music downloads, and a variety of great online games are just part of what makes TripleClicks so special. TripleClicks has something for everyone--and that makes online selling both lucrative and fun!
But the best part about SFI is that they're only scratching the surface of what they're likely to become during the next 10 years. Their potential is off the charts! And that's why I invite you to join my SFI group today and start sharing in the fun and profits. Remember, there are no required costs EVER...and there's no obligation.
One more thing: My #1 job in SFI is helping the affiliates that I sponsor become successful. When you join my team, know that in me you will have a committed partner and mentor, and that I stand ready to assist you in any way I can.
Thank you and I hope to hear you've joined my team soon.
Daniel Radje

YOU succeed only if THEY succeed

You know what the number one complaint we receive is? It's affiliates telling us that their sponsor/upline doesn't support them, never answers their emails, never communicates with them, etc.

Think about this. Do YOU want to make money for someone who demonstrates no support or assistance? Of course not. It's the same thing with the affiliates you sponsor. If they feel you do not care about them, they will not want to build their SFI businesses because they will not want to see their hard work benefiting some stranger they never hear from. Surely you don't want your affiliates feeling this way!
If you're sponsoring affiliates and then leaving them to fend for themselves, just quit right now because you're guaranteeing failure for yourself. Every affiliate you sponsor is a potential goldmine for you. You MUST understand that only if THEY succeed, do YOU succeed. I can't stress enough the importance of understanding this rule!

And, yes, it's true you can't MAKE the affiliates in your downline successful (they have to want that for themselves), but let it never be said that you weren't there for your affiliates!

Start by opening up good lines of communication with all your affiliates. This is how you can teach your affiliates how to succeed in SFI and how you build relationships with your affiliates (very important!).

First, set up a greeting for your affiliates. Once you've set this up, all of your new affiliates, upon logging in at the SFI Affiliate Center for the first time, will see an alert that you've left them a message. By clicking on this alert, they'll then be able to read your message. This is an easy, automatic way to get off to a great start in building relationships with your affiliates.

Next, you'll want to develop some form of regular outgoing communications to stay in touch, share ideas, and provide training. We recommend a weekly (or every-other-week) e-mail using the PSA Mailer and CSA Mailer. Just enter your message and hit submit to automatically send a message to all of your PSAs (personally sponsored affiliates) and CSAs (co-sponsored affiliates). 

Now, you may be new to SFI and/or business in general. You may feel you have nothing you can teach your affiliates. That's OK, you can learn and grow into the leader role over time. And, after all, all the training your affiliates really need is at the SFI Affiliate Center. But what you must never do is allow your affiliates to think their sponsor (you) is uncaring. If you do that, if you do not communicate with your affiliates, success will be a hundred times harder to attain.

Tip: For dozens of additional great tips and ideas for growing your team, see MyLeadership Page on SFI

"You can get everything you want if you help enough others get what they want."
-Zig Ziglar 

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed."
-Napoleon Hill 

"A leader's job is to look into the future and see the organization not as it is, but as it can become."

"Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it is amazing at what they can accomplish."

-Sam Walton

Treat TripleClicks as YOUR store

 As one of our affiliates, you and SFI are partners. Therefore, you need to think of SFI products as YOUR products. And you need to think of as YOUR store. Because it is your store, when you buy products and services for yourself or others, you always need to shop your own store (TripleClicks) first. If you owned a bakery, you wouldn't be buying cinnamon rolls from the bakery down the street. If you owned an office supplies store, you wouldn't drive to a competitor's store to buy a stapler or paperclips. It's the exact same thing as an SFI affiliate, especially when it comes to products you're ALREADY buying. Your store ( probably carries many products and/or services that you ALREADY purchase from a local store or other service provider. You should transfer those YOUR store. Remember, we're not talking about spending extra money, just changing from where you're buying.

 So what's in it for you? 

What benefit do you get out of buying from your own store? For starters, your purchases at TripleClicks earn you valuable VersaPoints, which you can parlay into numerous benefits and increased earnings. You also earn Member Rewards Points with every purchase. But it's goes much, much further than that. The fact is, SFI's success—and your success as an SFI affiliate—is tied directly to the success of TripleClicks (TC). The more successful TC is, the more successful SFI's affiliates will be.
 A popular and successful TC means: 
 • Easier sponsoring of SFI affiliates 
 • Easier referrals of TC members 
 • More and better ECAs 
 • More products & services
 • Better prices 
 • Lower shipping costs 
 • and MORE ...
which all leads to larger affiliate commissions of course!
So go all out and make it happen.

I will see you soon!

To Make money with SFI: Work with the workers

I am an Affiliate with SFI since 2012. I am going to show you the one and only one method to begin to make minimum of $3000 with SFI. Just join me and I will show you how to do it. Many people are doing SFI but many get stock after the second month. Join me FREE and I will work with you. If after 6 months you did not make over $3000 a month, I will pay for your time and effort.

Work with the workers
Way too many people focus on QUANTITY. They sponsor dozens; even hundreds of affiliates–which is great–but it is ultimately QUALITY that is the real key. Once you've found or developed 3-5 topnotch affiliates, you're going to see a lot of great things happen with your commission check.

How do you develop quality affiliates? It's real simple: WORK WITH THE WORKERS!

When you see people who are working SFI in your group, work with them! Tip: You can easily locate these people by checking your "My Movers" list on your SFI homepage daily. Support them closely, and train them to do the things you do so that you are creating duplication and maximum leverage.
t's of course more natural for us to let the workers in our group just do their own thing. After all, they got active without you even telling them to, they're already sponsoring new affiliates, referring TC members, etc. They don't need your help or support–or so you think.

Meanwhile, you're spending all your time trying to get the people who obviously don't "get it" to do something. As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink—yet you continue to try.

You need to know that this is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing to build a successful business. I'm not saying you shouldn't follow up with those who don't immediately get active with SFI. You should. But don't spend ALL or even the majority of your time with this. And DEFINITELY DO NOT IGNORE your workers!

Indeed, the way you create those 3-5 "top-gun" affiliates that you need is by treating them LIKE YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON THEM!

If you're not in touch with your best, hardest-working affiliates at least every week (email, phone calls, chatroom, or whatever), I'm sorry, but you're trying to win a race with a car that only has one wheel!

How many affiliates will you have to go through to find your top guns? That's of course difficult to say. What I can tell you though is that they're out there (or are ALREADY in your group), and you'll develop them so long as you deny your natural instincts and apply the proper focus (work with the workers!).

Just like in a deck of playing cards, you KNOW there are four aces. If you start working your way through the deck, the first ace may not come up for a while, but eventually it will so long as you keep going through the deck. And if you don't quit, you'll eventually locate FOUR aces. It's the very same principle with SFI; the aces are there.

Keep sponsoring affiliates, work with your workers, and success will happen.

Tip: Don't waste time on skeptics or pessimists. They will NOT succeed in SFI or any other similar endeavor. They do not possess the qualities of a winner (this includes "rocking-chair advisors" who talk and talk, seem to know all the answers, but never act).

"Eagles don't flock–you have to find them one at a time."
-H. Ross Perot

How to Make Money with SFI: Lead By Example

I am an Affiliate with SFI since 2012. I am going to show you the one and only one method to begin to make minimum of $3000 with SFI. Just join me and I will show you how to do it. Many people are doing SFI but many get stock after the second month. Join me FREE and I will work with you. If after 6 months you did not make over $3000 a month, I will pay for your time and effort.

Lead By Example
If you want your affiliates sponsoring affiliates, referring TC members, etc., then make sure YOU are doing these things. Do these things and become proficient in these things so you can show and teach your affiliates the best ways to do them.

In the key area of duplication, your affiliates are definitely watching! Show them what it means to be a strong, active sponsor and THEY will become strong, active sponsors and help you further your growth and profits.

Leading by example works in the negative, too, of course. Want a downline of affiliates who do nothing? Then do nothing and that's what you'll likely get!

So...the rule is real simple: Whatever you want THEM to do, YOU do, because they are following your lead!

Tip: Having a Standing Order (SO) at TripleClicks is a great way to lead by example. Your Standing Order badge will reflect this status. Your PSAs and CSAs will see this badge on your Leadership Page and your Affiliate Snapshot. Make sure you are sending everyone in your group the right message!

"A leader can shape his followers best by showing them the way forward rather than telling them about it."

"A leader is someone who is ahead of the pack. Even if it is only by one inch. They are doing, or have done, what they want or expect others to do. They are not watchers nor do they wait around. They take action...proper action....a lot of proper action! And they never give up!" 
-Jack M. Zufelt 

"You don't lead by lip service, you lead by example.”
-Jim Leyland