ECA (Sell Your Stuffs)

YOU succeed only if THEY succeed

You know what the number one complaint we receive is? It's affiliates telling us that their sponsor/upline doesn't support them, never answers their emails, never communicates with them, etc.

Think about this. Do YOU want to make money for someone who demonstrates no support or assistance? Of course not. It's the same thing with the affiliates you sponsor. If they feel you do not care about them, they will not want to build their SFI businesses because they will not want to see their hard work benefiting some stranger they never hear from. Surely you don't want your affiliates feeling this way!
If you're sponsoring affiliates and then leaving them to fend for themselves, just quit right now because you're guaranteeing failure for yourself. Every affiliate you sponsor is a potential goldmine for you. You MUST understand that only if THEY succeed, do YOU succeed. I can't stress enough the importance of understanding this rule!

And, yes, it's true you can't MAKE the affiliates in your downline successful (they have to want that for themselves), but let it never be said that you weren't there for your affiliates!

Start by opening up good lines of communication with all your affiliates. This is how you can teach your affiliates how to succeed in SFI and how you build relationships with your affiliates (very important!).

First, set up a greeting for your affiliates. Once you've set this up, all of your new affiliates, upon logging in at the SFI Affiliate Center for the first time, will see an alert that you've left them a message. By clicking on this alert, they'll then be able to read your message. This is an easy, automatic way to get off to a great start in building relationships with your affiliates.

Next, you'll want to develop some form of regular outgoing communications to stay in touch, share ideas, and provide training. We recommend a weekly (or every-other-week) e-mail using the PSA Mailer and CSA Mailer. Just enter your message and hit submit to automatically send a message to all of your PSAs (personally sponsored affiliates) and CSAs (co-sponsored affiliates). 

Now, you may be new to SFI and/or business in general. You may feel you have nothing you can teach your affiliates. That's OK, you can learn and grow into the leader role over time. And, after all, all the training your affiliates really need is at the SFI Affiliate Center. But what you must never do is allow your affiliates to think their sponsor (you) is uncaring. If you do that, if you do not communicate with your affiliates, success will be a hundred times harder to attain.

Tip: For dozens of additional great tips and ideas for growing your team, see MyLeadership Page on SFI

"You can get everything you want if you help enough others get what they want."
-Zig Ziglar 

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed."
-Napoleon Hill 

"A leader's job is to look into the future and see the organization not as it is, but as it can become."

"Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it is amazing at what they can accomplish."

-Sam Walton

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