ECA (Sell Your Stuffs)

How should I follow up with prospective and existing affiliates?

The most successful and highest-earning entrepreneurs know that “the fortune is in the follow-up” and capitalize on it by always following up multiple times. Indeed, according to The National Sales Executive Association and The Mind Capture Group, the average sale is closed as follows: 
  • 2% on 1st contact
  • 3% on 2nd contact
  • 5% on 3rd contact
  • 10% on 4th contact
  • 80% on 5th through 12th contact

Your follow-up technique and message will differ depending on the group you're contacting. Basically, these groups fall into three categories:
  • Prospective Affiliates You're Going To Sponsor 
  • Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs)
  • Executive Affiliates, Team Leaders

 Read on for tips, strategies, and tools for effective and profitable follow-ups within each group:

Prospective Affiliates You're Going To Sponsor 

Here are our suggested guidelines for following up with those interested in joining SFI: 

 Keep it simple! Provide concise instructions. A confused mind will not act. 

 Always identify yourself as an SFI Marketing Group affiliate so they make the connection as to why you're contacting them. If you're going to be their personal Sponsor or Team Leader, let them know that, too.

 Make it short, friendly, and personal. Use their name in your salutation if you can.

 Offer to answer questions they might have about SFI and home business in general. You may also wish to include a short testimonial of how the system is working for you (if you've got a good, strong testimonial to offer, that is). Offer friendly guidance and support!

 Do NOT make aggressive statements like, "If you want to make money with this you need to accumulate 1,500 VersaPoints now." This will only cause backlash and cause people to opt out of SFI. Our system clearly works, and one big reason is because we bring people through in steps, without undue pressure. We show them the BENEFITS of participating in SFI and let them decide. There's no need to twist anyone's arm.

 Do NOT get into long, drawn-out explanations of the compensation plans, TripleClicks products, etc. You may, however, wish to let your prospects know that detailed information on these topics and others will be available to them immediately upon joining SFI.

 Remind them that there's no obligation or cost to join SFI. They can take their time, learn about all the benefits of SFI, and take advantage of our free training. 

 Do NOT confuse them with references to other products, services, or business opportunities. 

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